Wildlife Management

A series of planned and adaptive actions aimed at achieving these objectives. Here are several key reasons why the wildlife management cycle is essential within forest areas:

It helps maintain the delicate balance of ecosystems, conserves biodiversity, and ensures that both wildlife and human needs are met in a sustainable and responsible manner. It promotes the long-term health and resilience of forest ecosystems while recognizing the intrinsic value of wildlife in their natural habitats.


Recent rescue operation by RRT Team on 15-11-2024.

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Nagzira Range - Badbadya APC

Navegaon Park - Kalimati APC

Navegaon Park - TK Joint APC

Umarzari Range - Kamkazari APC


Phase-I & IV Training Workshop 

Nawegaon Nagzira Tiger Reserve has started Phase - I & IV 2024-2025 timeline activity in Block - I : Nagzira Block and Block - II : Nawegaon Block. And starting wildlife monitoring activity training within 21 November 2024 to 29 December 2024 for Block - I and 26 December 2024 to 31 January 2025 for Block - II.  Activity are starting Installing Trap Camera, Trap Camera start cycle, Transect line survey, Trap Camera removal from field and collect data from Trap Camera. 

Trauma Management and Training

Nawegaon Nagzira Tiger Reserve organised "Trauma Managment Training for Forntline Forest Staff" by Dr. Vijay Tate, Sr. Prog. Officer, Health WCT, Mumbai from 14 November 2024 to 19 November 2024 at Nawegaon National Park & STPF -01 Nawegaonbandh, Dongargaon & Bonde Range, Nagzira Range, Umarzari & Pitezari range, STPF -02 Wadegaon, Koka Range and STPF - 03 Chandragpur. 

Anti Electrocution Training

Tigers and wild animals are among the primary targets of power line electrocution. The recommended plan, if implemented will not only reduce the human - animal conflict but also save hundreds of wild animals that die every year in such tragic accidents. 

Wildlife Crime Prevention Training

NNTR Organizing 3 Day's "Wildlife Crime Prevention Training" through Wildlife Trust of India from 4th to 6th September 2023 for officers/Employees of Navegaon Block under Navegaon Nagzira Tiger Reserve.


Tiger Translocation

The Nawegaon Nagzira Tiger Reserve (NNTR) landscape was identified for the release of 4-5 female tigresses from the Bramhapuri landscape as part of a tiger conservation and translocation initiative. This decision aimed to address the lower tiger population in NNTR compared to its carrying capacity and to mitigate inbreeding risks. In the first phase, two young female tigresses were released on 20 May 2024, followed by another tigress in the second phase on 11 April 2024. The project seeks to enhance the tiger population in NNTR, ensuring a healthy and genetically diverse tiger population in the landscape.


Meadow Development and Management at Nawegaon National Park

Meadow Development and Management Training at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve - Grass Land and Grass Seeds Management 

The Nawegaon Nagzira management authority is continuously working on habitat management to protect the glory of the landscape and provide a safe shelter for existing wildlife. Wildlife management involves a variety of activities aimed at conserving and managing wildlife populations and their habitats. Here are some of the wildlife management activities on which the management is focusing:


Habitat Management:

Habitat Restoration and Conservation:

Grassland/Meadow Development:

Population Monitoring and Research:

Invasive Species Management:

Wildlife Health Management:

Forest fire Protection:

Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation:

Wildlife Law Enforcement:

Public Education and Outreach:

Each of these activities plays a crucial role in ensuring the survival and well-being of wildlife populations and the ecosystems they inhabit. Management is providing topmost priority to habitat management and its protection activities through the landscape.